We are most likely to come in contact with strontium by eating or drinking. People can be exposed to small levels of (radioactive) strontium by breathing air or dust, eating food, drinking water, or by contact with soil that contains strontium. Fortunately the concentrations in drinking water are usually quite low. Therefore, water-soluble forms of strontium have the opportunity to pollute drinking water. The water-soluble compounds are a greater threat to human health than the water-insoluble ones. Strontium compounds that are water-insoluble can become water-soluble, as a result of chemical reactions. in cabbage (45 ppm), onions (50 ppm) and lattuce (74 ppm). in corn (0.4 ppm and oranged (0.5 ppm) to high, e.g. World production of strontium ores is about 140.000 tonnes per year from an unassessed total of reserves.įoods containing strontium range from very low e.g. The main mining areas are UK, Mexico, Turkey and Spain. Celestite occurs frequently in sedimentary deposits of sufficient size, thus the development of mining facilities attractive. Strontium is commonly occurs in nature, formung about 0.034% of all igneous rock and in the form of the sulfate mineral celestite (SrSO 4) and the carbonate strontianite (SrCO 3). Its high-energy radiation can be used to generate an electric current, and for this reason it can be used in space vehicles, remote weather stations and navigation buoys. Although strontium-90 is a dangerously radioactive isotope, it is a useful by-product of nuclear reactors from whose spent fuel is extracted. Most strontium is used as the carbonate in special glass for television screens and visual display units. A little is used as a getter in vacuum tubes to remove the last traces of air. Principal uses of strontium compounds are in pyrotechnics, for the brilliant reds in fireworks and warning flares and in greases. Strontium has uses similar to those of calcium and barium, but it is rarely employed because of its higher cost. Finely powdered strontium metal will ignite spontaneously in air to produce both strontium oxide and strontium nitride. Due to its extreme reactivity to air, this element always naturally occurs combined with other elements and compounds. Strontium reacts vigorously with water and quickly tarnishes in air, so it must be stored out of contact with air and water. It has three allotropic crystalline forms and in its physical and chemical properties it is similar to calcium and barium.

Strontium is a soft, silver-yellow, alkaline-earth metal. Strontium - Sr Chemical properties of strontium - Health effects of strontium - Environmental effects of strontium Separation and Concentration Purification Request.Plant Inspection & Process Optimalisation.