If I compare this to a spell like Catch Flame, which requires only 8 Faith and can be bought from Corhyn upon reaching the Roundtable Hold, the damage is comparable (approx. For the sake of the record, I was using a fully upgraded Erdtree Seal and no damage boosting talismans. This spells has the highest faith requirement in the game, takes up 2 memory slots, and can't even kill a Raya Lucarian soldier in base game (first playthrough). Pumped for those extra 3 levels of faith just to attune it. For a pretty tedious nasty Hybrid Magic/Holy Build set-up lol. You can also go with Ancient Death Rancor ). ( This case you will summon hundreds if not thousands of Projectiles in the near vicinity. This spell on itself is not that nasty or crazy, but trust me when i say this pair it with Swarm of Flies, Bloodboon, then Founding Rain of Stars followed by Magic Downpour. I also recommend having Bloodboon after casting Swarm of Flies and Elden Stars. This 4 Combo Spells will overwhelm any Boss, Invader, PvE or PvP situation that will give you not just plenty of time to re-engage but also set-up for an amazing Trap Build. Immediately switch to Founding Rain of Stars then cast Magic Downpour from your staff ). ( Equip a Staff and Seal on off hand, summon firstly Elden Stars, then Swarm of Flies. It might sound horrible by itself, but Trust me with a sneaky mind-set and a dedicated Hybrid Magic Staff and Holy Seal build this becomes OP.
NOTE: Since Patch 1.07 FP Consumption has been Decreased from 47 to 41.ĭont underestimate this Spell i would say.If the large projectile touches an enemy, it will detonate for much higher damage. The small projectiles do trivial damage but inflict heavy and unceasing posture damage. The caster can move with the spell and perform other actions while the projectiles are active. This spell summons a slow-moving gold projectile that rapidly shoots off smaller projectiles.Note that this is a different entrance than the one where the remains containing the spell is visible (with the ledge below it with two ants).Įnter the cave and fight through the packs of Giant Ants until the end and you'll find Elden Stars on a body facing the cave exit. From there look to the north-west to see a root going up to a cave and follow it. Where to find Elden Stars:In the Deeproot Depths, head west from the Great Waterfall Crest grace until you reach some roots. It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring. This legendary incantation is the most ancient of those that derive from the Erdtree.Ĭreates a stream of golden shooting stars that assail the area.